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Registered Teachers - Portugal
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Beatriz Portugues
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yogacharini IYF

Telephone: 00351914054552 - 003518485690
Asociacion de Yoga Integral de Portugal

Associação de Yoga Integral de Portugal
Av. De Madrid, 28-1º Dt.
1000-196 Lisboa 

Ana Taboada
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Master of Yoga IYF

Telephone: +351 918 861 461
Centro de Yoga Padma

Av. Central, 164 – 4º - Braga

Maria de Jesus Carvalho
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Master of Yoga IYF

Telephone: 0035196380275

Associação de Yoga Integral de Portugal
Av. De Madrid, 28-1º Dt.
1000-196 Lisboa 

Ana Margarida Marques
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Master IYF

Telephone: 00351968956612

Associação de Yoga Integral de Portugal Av. De Madrid, 28-1º Dt. 1000-196 Lisboa 
Junta de Freguesia da Penha de França 
Av. Coronel Eduardo Galhardo  Lisboa

Anabela Tavares
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF

Telephone: 00351919187096

Address: Esmoriz

Alberto Moreira da Rocha
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Master of Yoga IYF


Jardim do Yoga - Rua D. Lopo de Almeida, 35 PORTO

Paulo Coelho
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Master of Yoga IYF

Telephone: 00351918805991

Address: Porto

Pedro Leote de Morais
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Master of Yoga IYF

Telephone: 00351918260777

Associação de Yoga Integral de Portugal
Av. De Madrid, 28-1º Dt.
1000-196 Lisboa 

Edna Pagno
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Master of Yoga IYF

Telephone: 00351938012050

Associação de Yoga Integral de Portugal
Av. De Madrid, 28-1º Dt.
1000-196 Lisboa 

Ana Raquel Santos Costa
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF



Sandra Filipa Ferreira Silveira
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Master of Yoga IYF



Olga Miguel
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Shiromani IYF
Telephone: 00351915015600 Évora and Grândola
Natália de Sousa Rosa
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Shiromani IYF
Telephone: 916431667 LAKSMI DEVI’S PLACE
Rua Dr. José P. Dias, Lt2-1º Dtº - Leiria 
Eusébia Correira de Melo
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Shiromani IYF
Telephone: 00351289822337 // 00351962796032 GINÁSIO CLUBE DE FARO
Rua Ivens, 12-2º  Faro 
Paula Ramos
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: 00351918852915 Address: Lisboa
Isabel Moita Ferreira
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Shiromani IYF
Telephone: 00351962548104 WinFit - Centro de Actividades Físicas de Monte Redondo
Rua Dr Luís Pereira da Costa, nº 94 - R/Ch Dtº.2425-617 Monte Redondo 
Daniela Castro Lopes
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF


Associação de Yoga Integral de Portugal
Av. De Madrid, 28-1º Dt.
1000-196 Lisboa 

Marisa Mourinha
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Shiromani IYF

Telephone: 00351938115810

Associação de Yoga Integral de Portugal
Av. De Madrid, 28-1º Dt.
1000-196 Lisboa 

Aurora María Vasconcelos Pereira Santos
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Jardim do Yoga - Rua D. Lopo de Almeida, 35 PORTO
Ângela Maria Silva António Vaz 
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Instructor IYF
Telephone: 938045016

Escola de Ioga da Foz (crianças e Adultos)
Rua Cândida Sá de Albergaria,120 Foz do Douro 4150-183 Porto 

Daniel Oliveira
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Instructor IYF
Yoga Integral – Purna Yoga Ashram de Santa Maria de Lamas

Espaço Sattva - Lugar do Souto, Edifício Santa Maria - Loja 3 4535 – Santa Maria de Lamas

Firmino Ascensão
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: 919340559 Work-shops mensais, em Évora -
PIM TEATRO e em Laranjeiro - Almada, DOJO YUTENKAN
Ivanete Leite da Silva
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Instructor IYF
Telephone: 243329156 ou 916729203
Associaçao Isis Jupiter
Travessa da Hera Nº 7  Santarem-cep:2000.042 .
Maria Emília Costa Salgado
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Instructor IYF
Telephone: Av Dr José Cardoso N 51 R/c 3200 401 Lousã
Sílvia Alexandra Silva Bastos
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Instructor IYF
Telephone: 963473307, 936368285
Sita Rama - Yoga Integral
Sita Rama - Yoga Integral
Rua João de Mendonça, 31, 1º Esq. A, Aveiro, Portugal
Maria Natália Almeida
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Instructor IYF
Telephone: Address:
Juliana Brod da Silva
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Master of Yoga IYF

Telephone: (00351)964714748
Sita Rama - Yoga Integral

Sita Rama - Yoga Integral
Rua João de Mendonça, 31, 1º Esq. A, Aveiro, Portugal

Luis Arsenio Descalço
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: 00351927992385
Sita Rama - Yoga Integral
Sita Rama - Yoga Integral
Rua João de Mendonça, 31, 1º Esq. A, Aveiro, Portugal
Paulo Filipe Do Nascimento Cortes
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Instructor IYF
Telephone: Address:
Sandra Isabel Farinha Da Cruz
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Professor Senior IYF
Telephone: Address:
Ananda Moyi
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:
Ana Cristina Pereira
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:
Liliana Freitas
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:
Susana Oliveira
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher  IYF
Telephone: Address:
Tânia Manica Martins
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:
Lina Agrela
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:
Patrícia Jarimba
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:
Sandra Neves
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated YogaTeacher  IYF
Telephone: Address:
Juvelina Pita
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:
Teresa Menezes
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:
Bárbara Barbara Camacho
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:
Claudia Merchan
Method: Yoga Integral
Style: Purna Yoga Integral
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
Telephone: Address:

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