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World Yoga Council  |  International Yoga Federation

International Yoga Federation is a non-profit tax-exempt organization founded in 1987, celebrates the authentic yoga teachings of all traditions, the diversity, harmony and integrity of yoga practices throughout the world.
Our mission is to lead the global yoga community (world-wide yoga community), set standards, foster integrity, provide resources, and uphold the teachings of yoga.


International Yoga Federation

The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the International Yoga Federation and consists of all IYF members. The General Assembly meets every year.

The Executive Board is elected by the General Assembly for a 4 years period and meets every month. It consists of a President, Vicepresident, Secretary General, Executive Director and Treasurer.

The Supervise Commission is elected by the General Assembly for a 4 years period and meets every year for control the Trasurer.

The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the International Yoga Federation. It consists of all its member organisations, of which there are 3 categories. Full members with vote, adherent associate member with voice but without vote and honorary members without vote. For more information on membership categories and services offered, see also the section on membership.

The General Assembly of International Yoga Federation is the Democratic governing body of World Yoga Community, with all continental yoga organizations, national yoga organizations and international yoga organizations. Is open to all yoga organizations over the world. The General Assembly meets every year.

Internal Administrative Structure

The Executive Office is elected by the Executive Board for help the world-wide president of yoga.
The Secretariat of International Yoga Federation is elected by the Executive Board and is under the supervision and authority of the Secretary General of the Executive Commission.

IYF have continental and regional honorary secretaries for  Europe, for Asia, India, Africa, North America, Caribe and Central America, South America, Australia and Oceania.

IYF have continental ambassadors for all the continents and international organizations.

The advisory board is the World Yoga Council "Vishwa Yoga Samsad"

The World Yoga Council "Vishwa Yoga Samsad" was founded in 1965 by Yogavatar Krishna Kisore Das at West Bengal, India and was the first stone of the International Yoga Federation

The World Yoga Council "Vishwa Yoga Samsad" is composed of grand yoga masters with linage The council have life members (grand yoga masters,) for each continent Asia, America, Africa, Europe and Ocenia. The council have continental members: Each president of the continental organizations of Asia, America, Africa, Europe and Oceania. The council have advisory members. And all are the World Yoga Council. It is charged with developing and implementing the working programme of the Council in co-operation with its other organs and members.

The World Yoga Council "Vishwa Yoga Samsad" was founded in 1965 by Yogavatar Krishna Kisore Das at West Bengal, India and was the first stone of the International Yoga Federation

The World-wide Yoga Parliament or Congress "Vishwa Yoga Samaj" is composed of yoga leaders of the largest Continental Yoga Organizations of each continent Asia, America, Africa, Europe and Oceania. The congress have the presidents of International Yoga Federation, European Union of Yoga Associations, European Yoga Associations, European Yoga Alliance, Asian Yoga Federation, Yoga Alliance International, Pan American Yoga Federation, American Yoga Federation, Latin American Yoga Union, Francophone Yoga Federation, International Yoga Sports Federation and International Federation of Yoga Sports. The parliament or Congress is under the presidenship of one continental yoga organization, elected by the members.

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World Yoga Council  |  International Yoga Federation
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